Listed by: Moses Fidelis 08168793365
Brokered by: The MLS Properties 07056144444
None at this time
For Sale
1166 days
Block of Fla
Nice and palatial 2 bedroom block of flats within an estate in Mbora. Modern Facilities available. 27 partially - finished while the finished is 30 million.
Property Price History
Month | Average Price | Maximum Price | Minimum Price | Total No of Properties |
December | NGN 112,104,761.90 | NGN 270,000,000.00 | NGN 1,200,000.00 | 21 |
October | NGN 81,200,000.00 | NGN 320,000,000.00 | NGN 5,000,000.00 | 5 |
February | NGN 50,900,000.00 | NGN 120,000,000.00 | NGN 7,700,000.00 | 3 |
March | NGN 241,666,666.67 | NGN 1,200,000,000.00 | NGN 22,000,000.00 | 6 |
May | NGN 106,916,666.67 | NGN 150,000,000.00 | NGN 6,500,000.00 | 6 |
September | NGN 32,000,017.67 | NGN 70,000,000.00 | NGN 53.00 | 3 |
November | NGN 240,357,142.86 | NGN 900,000,000.00 | NGN 2,500,000.00 | 7 |
January | NGN 294,500,000.00 | NGN 1,200,000,000.00 | NGN 6,000,000.00 | 18 |
June | NGN 195,529,411.76 | NGN 1,000,000,000.00 | NGN 7,000,000.00 | 17 |
July | NGN 198,909,090.91 | NGN 2,000,000,000.00 | NGN 19,000,000.00 | 22 |
August | NGN 474,000,000.00 | NGN 1,500,000,000.00 | NGN 80,000,000.00 | 5 |
Month | Average Price | Maximum Price | Minimum Price | Total No of Properties |
No Records Found |
Listed by:
Mr. Moses Fidelis
Brokered by:
The MLS Properties
1473 Inner Block Street, #201, Central Business District, Abuja, Abuja FCT