feel free to call 09056000005
  • 1000sqm plot of land
  • APO DISTRICT, Apo, Abuja, Abuja FCT
  • Property ID # P8503618637
Request details
  • 6 Room
  • Balcony
  • Bath
  • Toilet
  • Parking
  • 1000 Land Size (Sqm)
  • House/Unit Size (Sqm)

Listed by: Jotham Shittu 08189901314

Brokered by: The MLS Properties 07056144444

NGN 85,000,000

  • For Sale: 1000sqm plot of land

  • APO DISTRICT, Apo, Abuja, Abuja FCT
  • Property ID # P8503618637
  • Added On: 19th August 2024
  • Category: For Sale
  • Types: Land
  • Status: Active
  • Construction Status: Land
  • 6 Room
  • Balcony
  • Bath
  • Toilet
  • Parking
  • 1000 Land Size (Sqm)
  • Unit Size (Sqm)
  • 1 Unit available

Open House

None at this time

Property Details for APO DISTRICT


For Sale



Price/Sq Ft

On naijahouses.com

29 days




1000sqm plot , well fenced and  very close to the road, has a good road network, with development around it.

Payment Options


Principal & Interest
Property Tax
Home Insurance
HOA Fees
Mortgage Insurance

Property History for APO DISTRICT

Property Price History

List of properties Nearby APO DISTRICT: Active

Map view of properties Nearby APO DISTRICT: Active

Properties Nearby APO DISTRICT: Active

List of properties Nearby APO DISTRICT: Sold

No Records Found

Average Prices Nearby APO DISTRICT: Active

Month Average Price Maximum Price Minimum Price Total No of Properties
July NGN 192,587,142.86 NGN 900,000,000.00 NGN 3,110,000.00 7
October NGN 1,047,500,000.00 NGN 6,000,000,000.00 NGN 25,000,000.00 6
June NGN 70,970,000.00 NGN 180,000,000.00 NGN 5,600,000.00 5
January NGN 101,646,090.50 NGN 220,000,000.00 NGN 9,876,543.00 6
March NGN 87,000,000.00 NGN 160,000,000.00 NGN 50,000,000.00 5
May NGN 365,000,000.00 NGN 600,000,000.00 NGN 45,000,000.00 3
August NGN 66,142,857.14 NGN 100,000,000.00 NGN 40,000,000.00 7
December NGN 55,000,000.00 NGN 55,000,000.00 NGN 55,000,000.00 1
April NGN 140,000,000.00 NGN 200,000,000.00 NGN 80,000,000.00 2
September NGN 12,000,000.00 NGN 12,000,000.00 NGN 12,000,000.00 1
November NGN 340,000,000.00 NGN 380,000,000.00 NGN 300,000,000.00 2
February NGN 25,000,000.00 NGN 25,000,000.00 NGN 25,000,000.00 1
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Average Prices Nearby APO DISTRICT Sold

Month Average Price Maximum Price Minimum Price Total No of Properties
No Records Found

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Listed by:
Jotham Shittu
08189901314 jotham.shittu@themlsproperti

Brokered by:
The MLS Properties
1473 Inner Block Street, #201, Central Business District, Abuja, Abuja FCT