Posted on 22/10/2021 8:57 AM | by NaijaHouses
I sat with an old friend last year hanging out and out of the blues, he asked me why people lose money in real estate investment if land always appreciates. I took a sip from the glass on the table between us and I looked into his eyes. I could read from his gaze that he was expectant to hear something that would reassure him that he made the right choice investing in real estate even when the figures say differently.
I simply told him that one would lose money from any investment that was done without adequate information. He wanted to hear more but I told him I would rather speak on a specific case if I was given the details. I did not want to make any statement that he would hold on to in every circumstance.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to real estate issues. Anyone who wanted that, just needs to get on a Molue in Lagos, if they still exist. That is where he can get drugs that treat all ailments.
About a month ago, two of my old classmates of over 30 years had a conversation on a social media platform. One complained that certain plots of land he invested in years ago had not appreciated. The other pointed out that land some parts of Lagos had appreciated significantly. Another person commented that the land could not have appreciated if they were bought at inflated prices.
For me, I could see that the everyday person on the street requires correct information on real estate issues. And certainly, that information is available. I can only hope that they look for quality information in the right places and make use of them when they find them.