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How Big is a plot of Land?

Posted on 23/07/2021 10:43 AM | by NaijaHouses

How Big is a plot of Land?

There have been various adverts recently of a half plot of land that was available for sale in different places. Some people interested in buying have also been in search of half of a plot of land. They make it appear a plot of land is of a definite size and they are just interested in just half of it. So, how big is a plot of land?

A few years ago, a friend called me on the phone to seek my advice on the property he was negotiating for purchase. During our discussion, I asked him what the size of the plot of land was. He said he was not sure but that it was the full plot. I simply laughed and the laughter elicited a question as he needed the information to protect himself. He did not want to be cheated. He asked me: how big is a plot of land?

Being an old friend with whom I could share jokes, I asked him a question in response. How small is a loaf of bread? He did not understand what I was driving at, so I asked another one. How big is a plate of rice? He answered that it depended on the restaurant and that even in the same restaurant, it further depended on who was dishing out the food at the time.

I went further to explain to him. A plot of land is simply a parcel of land that is assumed to be of the same ownership. The size of a plot of land is expressed in any unit that is used in measuring the area. It can be square metres, acres, or hectares. 1 hectare is 10,000 square metres while 1 acre is 4,046.86 square metres. While square metres is a metric unit for expressing size, acre and square feet are imperial.

A plot of land may be 400 square meters while the adjoining plot to it may be 2 hectares. A plot is a parcel of land with a determinable boundary. Whenever you want to buy land, ensure you know the actual size of the land.


SOURCE: Realestatenaijablog.com